By Raewyn Kinglsey-Smith
One of our members expressed a difficulty she has finding transport to Tauranga for her eye appointments. It's not a new problem, so I started to inquire as to what help was available and the trail eventually led me to Mei Leong who is the project coordinator for Accessible Transport Solutions for Eastern Bay Villages.
The Villagers have been active in this space for a long while now and things are coming together nicely with promises of funding and support from a variety of directions.
Grey power is looking to join forces and support their plans for a one-stop shop for transport inquiries for the whole district. In the mean time anyone interested in helping to establish such an entity could obtain further information from Mei Leong on 022 150 8284. Or e-mail
These are their goals:
- To offer affordable and reliable options for people to travel within the Whakatane district encompassing small rural communities and towns as well as inter-regional travel in the longer term.
- To be a safe, inclusive, dignified and culturally appropriate service to all in the community with good driver awareness of passenger needs and privacy.
- To be accessible, provide transport that meets the needs of people with disabilities and seniors/others with limited physical abilities particularly with a door-to-door service.
- To build close knit communities providing a way for people to build relationships by increasing opportunities for social interaction reducing isolation and loneliness.
- To develop environmentally sustainable options.
Grey Power supports these goals.
In the mean time the villages are looking for help in these areas.
- Volunteer drivers
- Trainer drivers
- Volunteer administration
- Trustees board
- Join the establishment group
- Join the reference group
- Share skills (e.g. book-keeping knowledge or expertise)
- Donations
- Help with fund raising
- Provide letter of support
- Would like to be project partner
- Loan vehicle (does your organization have a vehicle that is underutilized and that you could loan out with safeguards).
- Share resources
- Have a yard space or office space or other resources/equipment/assets that could be shared or donated (laptop, cellphone etc).
- Provide funding/sponsorship.
- Letters of support.
- Be represented on the board of trustees.
- Knowledge or expertise to share.