Aims and Objectives
1. To advance, support and protect the welfare and well being of older people.
2. To affirm and protect that statutory right of every New Zealand resident, to a sufficient New Zealand Superannuation entitlement.
3. To strive for a provision of a quality Health Care to all New Zealand residents regardless of income and location.
4. To oppose all discriminatory and disadvantageous legislation affecting rights, security and dignity.
5. To be non aligned with any political party, and to present a strong united lobby to all Parliament and statutory Bodies on matters affecting New Zealanders.
6. To promote and establish links with kindred organizations.
7. To promote recognition of the wide-ranging services provided by senior citizens of New Zealand.
8. To gain recognition as an appropriate voice for all older New Zealanders.
Visual Personality of our Organization
Strong and active but not militant
Friendly and mature
Acting with dignity and integrity
Having the wisdom of age
Adding to quality of life
A positive organisation to be associated with
Over the years Grey Power has had many terrific achievements.
Here are some of them:
Removal of the Surtax
Asset Testing Legislation being Phased Out
Lower doctors’ Fees
Lower Pharmacy Fees
Removal Over 80’s Driving Tests
Removal Simulated Driving Tests by Occupational Therapists
Lower Tariff Electricity
Superannuation Increased to 66% NATOTWW (net after tax ordinary time weekly wage)
Rate Rebate Scheme revitalised and more recently extended to include retirement village residents
Independent Superannuation & Income Centres
Improved Regulations for Rest Homes
Code of Practice for Rest Homes
Abolition of Interest on Student Loans
The National Superannuation Adjustment for the Tax Cuts in the 2008 Budget is a long awaited recognition by a major political party of the plight of the elderly reliant on NZ Superannuation
Hearing aid subsidy increased
Rates Rebate Scheme indexed to CPI. Amount now $580 (originally $500) and threshold now $23,240 (from 20,000 originally)
Spot Audits for Rest Homes
Retention of Graduating Doctors – (Student Loan)
Lowering Electricity Increase for ETS
Retention of SuperGold Card Off-Peak Travel
Retention of SuperGold Card Waiheke Island Ferry Travel
Increased funding for Gloucoma operations
Annual clothing allowance for grandparents raising grandchildren (In conjunction with Grandparents raising Grandchildren)
Winter Energy Payment
Security doors on most Council owned pensioner flats
Committee members (biographies)

Dr/Prof Victor Luca (President): I am a product of Whakatāne having been born, raised and schooled here. After receiving a B.Sc., BSc.(hons) and PhD from Victoria University of Wellington in the eighties, I spent two years as a research associate at the University of Houston in Texas and six years as a researcher at top Australian Universities. From 1997 to 2009 I was a researcher and research leader at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization and then spent a decade at the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission where I was a research leader and university lecturer. I moved back to my home town at the beginning of 2019 and stood for Mayor and Councillor in September of 2019. I joined Grey Power because I was impressed by what the association has achieved. I am hopeful that I can help to make positive contributions going forward.
Peter Minten (Membership Secretary): Born in Holland and now a New Zealand citizen, Peter is a process engineer and has worked at the Whakatane Mill Ltd.

June Goodhew (Treasurer): I live at Coastlands and love my family. I have always enjoyed those who are under pressure, i.e. no employment, or are disadvantaged and not enjoying the life they deserve. Presently working for Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre, enjoyed 27 years as a Budget Advisor (mentor), and 13 years at the Salvation Army – Tutor/Management for Employment Plus. I believe I have something to give Grey Power Committee and know it has opportunities to make changes to the lives of our members.

Raewyn Kingsley-Smith: Once upon a time, the tallest structures in the cities were the Church Steeples. Then Banks climbed higher only to be overtaken by insurance buildings and these days it is The Sky Tower (Casinos). The biggest thieves of all. This is the Mad World that I rail against. In my short lifetime, I have seen these rapid changes – the youngsters only know today’s world – casinos, money, money, money. Grey Power has a wealth of experience and wisdom and I believe a responsibility to future generations to be the ‘Guardians of Integrity and Good Sense’ (not to let these values be side-lined by the dollar and materialism). I believe that we will need to speak up! We have the ‘votes’ and should ‘care’ about how many ‘babies’ are being tossed out with the bathwater. That’s me.
Judy Tihi: Judy was born and bred in Ruatoki. She joined the Whakatāne Hospital after leaving school but soon realized that nursing was not for her. She has worked on a tobacco farm in Tākaka, Nelson, cigarette factory in Wellington, mango picking in Darwin and a kiwifruit orchard. At 22 years old, she married Moai Tira Ou Tahi Tihi, a return serviceman of the 28th Maori Battalion. They settled on a 250-acre rehab farm at Nukuhou keeping sheep and dairy cattle. They had two children, a boy and a girl. They later sold the arm and moved to Taneatua where they lived for 40 years until Moai’s death in 2006. Judy sold her house and moved to the RSA flats close to the Whakatāne Hospital. Judy is involved in several organizations, including Kāhanga Reo (Tāneatua), WMWWL chairperson, Kooti Raumgatahi (Kids in Trouble) panel, Tribal Committee Marae delegate, Kaumatua Tepunga Chairperson and RSA Ruatoki Kaumātua. Judy loves sports, netball, hockey, bowls, tennis and cricket where she ended up with two broken fingers. She still plays bowls at the Kawerau club. While she reckons she can’t sing, Judy has been a part of the Whakatāne Country Music for 20 years. She plays the ukulele and was gifted a beautiful Raratongan ukulele. Despite all her commitments, Judy still finds time to relax with her family. She has wicked sense of humour that she inherited from her dad.