Dr/Prof Victor Luca (President): I am a product of Whakatāne having been born, raised and schooled here. After receiving a B.Sc., BSc.(hons) and PhD from Victoria University of Wellington in the eighties, I spent two years as a research associate at the University of Houston in Texas and six years as a researcher at top Australian Universities. From 1997 to 2009 I was a researcher and research leader at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization and then spent a decade at the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission where I was a research leader and university lecturer. I moved back to my home town at the beginning of 2019 and stood for Mayor and Councillor in September of 2019. I joined Grey Power because I was impressed by what the association has achieved. I am hopeful that I can help to make positive contributions going forward.
Dr Siva Panadam: Scientist (PhD Chemistry), Director of Phoenix Consultants (27 years & counting) – Worked with Pulp & Paper industry, Chemical, Dairy, Gas industry, Health, & Education. Completed Kai Oranga Level 3 & 4; Fluent in English (Native), Tamil & Malay. I was a volunteer with the Kingsley Scout Group (10 years - Group Leader, Treasurer, Venturer Leader) & the Whakatāne Budget Advisory Service (8 years – Chairperson, Treasurer/Secretary, Budget Advisor, Community Educator). I have been a Whakatāne Grey Power member for four years and have been vice-president, secretary, membership secretary, newsletter editor. I have been a Crop Swap & TimeBank member. I enjoy growing a food forest, enjoy travelling, gardening, cooking, dancing, and having potluck dinners with family & friends.
Gaye Murphy: I am a justice of the peace and a marriage and funeral celebrant. I have been a district councillor for three terms. I have worked as a laboratory technician in Norway, England and New Zealand. I have owned an apple and kiwifruit orchard and an independent book shop. I was a member of Rotary and a charter member of the Whakatāne Quota club and secretary of the Art Society. I am currently a trustee of the Molly Morpeth Canaday Trust and also a trustee of Manawahe Kokako Trust. I have travelled extensively in the Middle East, America and Europe. I like the bush, gardening, cooking, embroidery and reading. I really love wild birds … and really hate cats.
Ann Kebbell: I was a photographic colourist in days before colour photographs. I was a registered maternity nurse and spent two years as a doctor’s nurse. Later my husband and I owned Aluminium Industries for 12 years. I formed the Alzheimer’s Support Group in Whakatāne in 1987. I was a local artist and an honourable member of the art society and also a Grey Power electricity advocate.
Maud McKinnon: I began life in Ruatoria and attended Manutahi Native School. That was 80 years ago and the education I received there and at Gisborne High School has set me up for life. About 8 years ago, with prompting from Raewyn Kinglsey-Smith, I joined Grey Power and later became a committee member. You might recognise me, since I am often the tea lady and the kitchen hand. I’m not computer savvy but if you need help my phone number is (07) 3080358. I’ll be there to listen.
June Goodhew: I live at Coastlands and love my family. I have always enjoyed those who are under pressure, i.e. no employment, or are disadvantaged and not enjoying the life they deserve. Presently working for Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre, enjoyed 27 years as a Budget Advisor (mentor), and 13 years at the Salvation Army – Tutor/Management for Employment Plus. I believe I have something to give Grey Power Committee and know it has opportunities to make changes to the lives of our members.
Raewyn Kingsley-Smith: Once upon a time, the tallest structures in the cities were the Church Steeples. Then Banks climbed higher only to be overtaken by insurance buildings and these days it is The Sky Tower (Casinos). The biggest thieves of all. This is the Mad World that I rail against. In my short lifetime, I have seen these rapid changes – the youngsters only know today’s world – casinos, money, money, money. Grey Power has a wealth of experience and wisdom and I believe a responsibility to future generations to be the ‘Guardians of Integrity and Good Sense’ (not to let these values be side-lined by the dollar and materialism). I believe that we will need to speak up! We have the ‘votes’ and should ‘care’ about how many ‘babies’ are being tossed out with the bathwater. That’s me.
Mrs Judy Fleming: My first job was at the BNZ and I have worked in admin ever since. I have been self-employed all my married life 47 years. I have been involved in share-milking and a kiwifruit orchard for 18 years, Allandale Superette in Whakatāne for 11 years and then Cash in Transit Security business for 10 years. Treasurer for SeniorNet Whakatāne & Whakatāne Country Music Club. The main reason that I put my hand up for Grey Power was that I didn’t want to see the Whakatāne Branch close?